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"Aleksandar Kartelj"
Efficient Search Algorithms for the Restricted Longest Common Subsequence Problem (2024-07)
M. Đukanović, A. Kartelj, T. Eftimov, J. Reixach, C. Blum, Efficient Search Algorithms for the Restricted Longest Common Subsequence Problem, LNCS, pp. 58 - 73, Jul, 2024 -
An electromagnetism metaheuristic for solving the Maximum Betweenness Problem (2013)
V. Filipović, A. Kartelj, D. Matić, An electromagnetism metaheuristic for solving the Maximum Betweenness Problem, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 1303 - 1313, 2013 -
Primena keširanja u metaheuristici zasnovanoj na elektromagnetizmu (2016)
A. Kartelj, D. Matić, V. Filipović, Primena keširanja u metaheuristici zasnovanoj na elektromagnetizmu, Proceedings of the Sixth Mathematical Conference of the Republic of Srpska, pp. 69 - 80, 2016 -
"Improving 1NN strategy for classification of some prokaryotic organisms" (2016-06)
M. Grbić, A. Kartelj, D. Matić, V. Filipović, "Improving 1NN strategy for classification of some prokaryotic organisms", Proceedings Belgrade BioInformatics Conference 2016, pp. 43 - 54, Jun, 2016 -
Application of A* to the Generalized Constrained Longest Common Subsequence Problem with Many Pattern Strings (2022-06)
M. Đukanović, Д. Матић, A. Kartelj, C. Blum, Application of A* to the Generalized Constrained Longest Common Subsequence Problem with Many Pattern Strings, Proceedings of the Third International Conference, ICPRAI 2022, pp. 53 - 64, Jun, 2022 -
Variable neighborhood search for partitioning sparse biological networks into the maximum edge-weighted k-plexes (2019)
M. Grbić, А. Картељ, С. Јанковић, Д. Матић, В. Филиповић, Variable neighborhood search for partitioning sparse biological networks into the maximum edge-weighted k-plexes, IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, pp. 1 - 1, 2019 -
A three-phase method for identifying functionally related protein groups in weighted PPI networks. (2020)
M. Grbić, Д. Матић, А. Картељ, С. Јанковић, В. Филиповић, A three-phase method for identifying functionally related protein groups in weighted PPI networks., COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY, Vol. 86, pp. 1 - 16, 2020 -
The Roman domination number of some special classes of graphs - convex polytopes (2021)
А. Картељ, М. Грбић, Д. Матић, В. Филиповић, The Roman domination number of some special classes of graphs - convex polytopes, APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, pp. 1 - 20, 2021 -
Solving the Longest Common Subsequence Problem Concerning Non-Uniform Distributions of Letters in Input Strings (2021-06)
B. Nikolić, А. Картељ, М. Ђукановић, М. Грбић, C. Blum, G. Raidl, Solving the Longest Common Subsequence Problem Concerning Non-Uniform Distributions of Letters in Input Strings, Mathematics, Vol. 9, No. 13, pp. e-časopis - broj članka 1515, Jun, 2021 -
Supportness of the protein complex standards in PPI networks (2021-10)
М. Грбић, В. Црногорац, М. Предојевић, А. Картељ, Д. Матић, Supportness of the protein complex standards in PPI networks, Journal of Information and Telecommunication, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 1 - 21, Oct, 2021 -
Graph Search and Variable Neighborhood Search for Finding Constrained Longest Common Subsequences in Artificial and Real Gene Sequences (2022-04)
M. Đukanović, А. Картељ, Д. Матић, М. Грбић, C. Blum, G. Raidl, Graph Search and Variable Neighborhood Search for Finding Constrained Longest Common Subsequences in Artificial and Real Gene Sequences, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, pp. 108844 - 108844, Apr, 2022 -
RILS-ROLS: Robust Symbolic Regression via Iterated Local Search and Ordinary Least Squares (2023-05)
А. Картељ, M. Đukanović, RILS-ROLS: Robust Symbolic Regression via Iterated Local Search and Ordinary Least Squares, Journal of Big Data, Vol. 10, No. 71, pp. 1 - 28, May, 2023 -
Variable neighborhood search for weighted total domination problem and its application in social network information spreading (2023-05)
S. Kapunac, А. Картељ, M. Đukanović, Variable neighborhood search for weighted total domination problem and its application in social network information spreading, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 143, No. 110387, pp. 1 - 26, May, 2023 -
Self-Adaptive Cmsa for Solving the Multidimensional Multi-Way Number Partitioning Problem (2023-05)
M. Đukanović, А. Картељ, C. Blum, Self-Adaptive Cmsa for Solving the Multidimensional Multi-Way Number Partitioning Problem, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol. 232, No. 1, pp. 1 - 21, May, 2023 -
Partitioning biological networks in k-plex subnetworks with maximum edge weights (2017-08)
М. Грбић, А. Картељ, Д. Матић, В. Филиповић, Partitioning biological networks in k-plex subnetworks with maximum edge weights, BOOK OF ABSTRACTS NGPnet17 KOSICE, pp. 42 - 42, Aug, 2017 -
A local search based heuristic for clustering large biological networks into highly connected components (2017-09)
M. Грбић, A. Картељ, Д. Матић, В. Филиповић, A local search based heuristic for clustering large biological networks into highly connected components, CoMBos, Book of Abstracts, pp. 126 - 126, Sep, 2017 -
On clustering large biological networks into dense components (2018-08)
Д. Матић, М. Грбић, А. Картељ, С. Јанковић, В. Филиповић, On clustering large biological networks into dense components, Aug, 2018 -
A heuristic approach for clustering metabolic networks into highly connected components (2018-09)
M. Grbić, А. Картељ, Д. Матић, С. Јанковић, В. Филиповић, A heuristic approach for clustering metabolic networks into highly connected components, NGP-Net4 abstract book, pp. 48 - 48, Sep, 2018 -
How well are known protein complexes supported in PPI networks? (2020-08)
М. Грбић, В. Црногорац, М. Предојевић, А. Картељ, Д. Матић, How well are known protein complexes supported in PPI networks?, 2020 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA) - Proceedings, pp. 1 - 7, Aug, 2020 -
Statistical analysis of correlation between weather parameters and new COVID-19 cases: a case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2021-08)
Т. Зец, А. Картељ, М. Ђукановић, М. Грбић, Д. Матић, Statistical analysis of correlation between weather parameters and new COVID-19 cases: a case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021 IEEE International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA) - Proceedings, Aug, 2021